The BrainStoke Podcast
The BrainStoke Podcast is a show about the stories of struggle and stoke and the people that inspire us. Hosted by Tom Telford and Preston Niederhauser, The BrainStoke Podcast has a simple mission. Deliver a daily D.O.S.E. of mattering to all who listen. Welcome to BrainStoke! We also want to thank our Stoke sponsor: LEVO a mind care company
The BrainStoke Podcast
EP. 43 - BrainStoke Ambassadors July 2024
BrainStokers (ambassadors) July roundtable:
What do you do when you feel a “limiter” to peak performance? You’ve trained and put in the time, but the mind and body don’t respond?
Tom, Preston, Blair Perkes and Matthew Lefthand talk about the difference between fitness and energy and the implications of life stressors on being able to access the mental and physical capabilities of peak performance. They share their experience’s adopting mindset tools and behavior strategies for being focused when it counts.