The BrainStoke Podcast
The BrainStoke Podcast is a show about the stories of struggle and stoke and the people that inspire us. Hosted by Tom Telford and Preston Niederhauser, The BrainStoke Podcast has a simple mission. Deliver a daily D.O.S.E. of mattering to all who listen. Welcome to BrainStoke! We also want to thank our Stoke sponsor: LEVO a mind care company
The BrainStoke Podcast
EP.39 - Teaching Play Therapy Around the World - Clair Mellenthin
Clair Mellenthin LCSW & RPT - S is a world renowned therapist and social worker that knows a thing or two about parenting and child therapy. She has traveled the world teaching individuals and different populations about play therapy and its positive effect on children and parents. Tom and Clair talk about the importance of parents and guiding through example for older children as well as the effect our own stress can have on our children. Clair's thoughts on the culture of parenting and relieving the pressure on parents and children to achieve and be perfect is a message that all need to hear!